Judgment Day

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As my life turns into a glide path,
Coming in for a landing
Here at the end,
I look forward to finally walking up
To The Pearly Gates
Where St. Peter will ask me,
With the most intense and sincere interest,
After a lifetime of joy and struggle,
“Did you ever get a 1 in WORDLE?”
And with tears in my eyes,
And hope in my throat
I will say,
“No, St. Peter, but I got a 2
And that is as near to perfection
As a human can come.”
And St. Peter will smile gently
and pause a lifetime,
Then say,
“Did you ever get a 6?”
And the fear of eternal damnation
Will dawn in my heart,
But knowing this is not a time to lie
I will confess, “Yes.”
And say nothing more,
With my eyes diverted to his feet,
While i wait to learn
If God is about flames of judgment
Or the cool spring of forgiveness.

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