Chocolate Sprinkles

You know I don’t write these things to rip off famous people. I write them (and “sing” them) as an homage. I mark them as parody for legal purposes.

I adore Tom Waites. He and I are on parallel developmental paths. His involves more fame and money, but the aesthetics are parallel. This is called

Chocolate Sprinkles.

I have to get chocolate sprinkles
on my ice cream when you’re away.
If I don’t get chocolate sprinkles,
I’m bound to have a shitty day.

I thank God for chocolate sprinkles.
I thank God for vanilla ice cream.
I thank God you don’t leave me
Except in my worst kind of dreams.

Chocolate sprinkles can’t hug and kiss me.
They can’t even stroke my cheek,
But they liven up my whole demeanor
And make me smile when I am weak.


I don’t want no hot fudge sundae.
I don’t want no banana split.
I sure as hell don’t want no sorbet.
And waffle cones taste like shit.



Is this REALLY singing?

Six Color Bluebird

I got a little ambitious and put together a six color reduction print of a bluebird for my granddaughter. Generally, I am pleased with the bird, but the elderberries he’s standing on are a tangled mess and it’s hard to distinguish between the purple of the berries and the black of the branches. Small spheres are hard! As compensation, I learned a lot about composition and technique. Glad I did it; I should do it again someday and make it better. Edition of 12, approx. 4″ x 4″
