Zazen 2023

woodblock print

This little (5″x5″) piece of art has a linear story. My friend Chris Cavanagh is Facebook friends with another friend of mine, Stefan Sencerz. Among other things, Chris and Stefan share a long-time interest in Buddhism and all manifestations of Zen. In following a Zen moment between them back to Stefan’s Facebook page, I encountered the image of Sengai Gibon’s (1751-1837) “a frog doing zazen.” It was, and is, brilliant. I asked Stefan if he thought the old master would mind my borrowing his image for a woodcut. We decided he would be pleased. Stefan offered the text of his haiku, so I have transcribed it here and on the back of the print.

just sitting
motionless …
a fly on frog’s nose
Stefan Sencerz

I present “zazen,” an issue of 5 printed in black on hand painted canvas paper. 2023

I already know there will be a slightly larger issue in green on a variety of art papers and perhaps a third issue on origami paper.

If you are compelled to have a copy, contact me.

I’m sorry these five are gone. I will producing an different edition in green and assorted art papers shortly.

Update 4/17/23

Zazen frog just sits.

He is fat and yet he smiles.

What Zen empties him? [68]
