You’ll Never Get Me!

(Written on April 4 while waiting for Donald Trump to surrender for arrest in New York.)

Why am I always surprised?
It’s not like they haven’t been there.
Every April in Spring
The frogs start screaming:

“Ha Ha, fuckers!”
“I’m still here, ya bastards!”
“I hid in the mud.”
“I closed it all down,
I shut down breathing,
I sucked air through my skin,
I let the heart beat slow,
And slow,
For months I willed thought to cease,
If I heard at all
it was a low hum,
Kind of electrical
While snow and ice and wind and gravity
Made its winter show
On the margins of the waters above.”
“And now it’s April, fuckers.”
“Squawk, peep and triiiiiiiill, motherfuckers!”
I’m back 
and ready to propagate!”
“Where my lady frogs, huh?
“Fine specimen of man-frog, right here!”