This spate of haikus comes from a prompt offered from the FaceBook page of friend and bard, Terry Wooten. That’s him in the photo performing at his unique venue, Stone Circle. He wrote:
Bi-polar April.
Peepers singing in snowflakes.
Change lawn mower oil.
(April 18, 2022)
I shared his poem on my FaceBook page with the following comment: “It is a nearly perfect example of the the American Haiku: 5-7-5, presents something funny and/or surprising, it contains nature and makes a comment on humanness. It goes above and beyond by banging two things together that don’t belong together (twice!!) for a little “contrapposto.” I took it as a challenge to write my own April poem. I thought I could take inspiration and match his genius. Not today! I’ll keep trying.”
The rest of the day I continued to put out haiku and some are better than others. I’m not certain any rose to Terry’s level above.
Oh no! I just drank
six gay beers and I liked it.
Please don’t tell my wife.
Heart doctor gave me
(prostate the size of a peach)
Mass diuretics.
What makes a haiku?
In America, mostly
Humor and surprise.
Ski masks make baseball
Look like bank robbing–
Another stolen base.
It’s hard to see things
If you don’t do anything.
Bad haiku! Bad ‘ku!
When the sun peeks through
on a snowy April day,
don’t believe the lie.
A Fox News headline
Is a lie that might happen
In Bizarroland.
Cannot be made or destroyed.
Where’d the ice cream go?