Another new (to me) idea for a print. This is Johanna. She is based on someone else’s drawing but in a style I’m trying to adapt for simplistic portraits. Johanna is 5.23″ x 6.75″ on 8.5″ x 11″ paper (note the increase in size from previous prints…the new Woodszilla!)
I also have discovered printing on “translucent” paper. It is akin to what we once called vellum. When mounted over a colored backing it permits some of the tint from the backing paper to come through. Watch for future experimentation.
BTW, why Johanna? Well, I carved this one night when I couldn’t sleep. I got up at about 4:30 and I worked on her until past sunup. I had Bob Dylan on the headphones at one point, as the sun was rising, he sang, “And these visions of Johanna, they kept me up past the dawn.”
How could she be anything else? Edition of 12 plus A/P.