On a Byway Most Any Time

Two young poems walked down an alley
“You already agreed,” said one,
“that Love is what we seek.”
“Yes,” said the other. “But not the only thing.
You know, food, shelter, some other things too.”

The first poem dug his bare hands into empty pockets
And hunched his shoulders into stubborn wind.
A cold mist had begun to drift inside buttons.
“Which one first?”

“Why, the most important, of course!”
The second poem was smug.
“Then love,” said the first,
his attitude improving despite the elements.

“I was thinking shelter,” said the second.
Low, distant thunder rolled through them.
“Shelter it is, then, where we might find love.”

A Piece About Collections

My sister reminded me that
As a nearly teen
I accumulated my toenail and fingernail
Clippings in a small blue medicine bottle.

Someday, this will be valuable,
I no doubt thought.
Genuine DNA from
Steve Daniel Marsh,
In a form readily accessible
And immeasurably identifiable
By the average fan or devote´.

Perhaps I thought this was an investment.
I could sell them later
When I was Elvis
Or Picasso
Or Hemingway.

Or I could give them to friends
And lovers as tokens–
Keepsakes of fidelity
In a world so empty and ephemeral.

What would you give for an original
Certified Elvis toenail?
I’ll bet they are worth thousands.
The market begged for expansion:
Hair, spit, later razor stubble.
A variety of solids and liquids,
Discarded clothing.

Collections work that way
For those with forethought.